Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweet Pea Love (Butterflower#3)

I'm not really a pink-sweet-girly type, but the pea flowers growing this summer in my greenhouse couldn't avoid the chance of becoming the subject(s) of a tender, eternal meeting between two Butterflowers. The motif of petals is a little revisited.
No surprise that an alternative name for this subfamily is Papilionoideae.


Erik Petri said...

wow - it looks great, so convincing and surprising = I didn't see the two buterflies at first

ophmac said...

This is a really good one, exploring the boundaries between animal and vegetable kingdom.

Morgaine le Fée said...

@Erik: thank you so much! I really wanted to give the illusion of an ordinary pea flower, they look really like butterflies.
@ophmac: thanks! Well, it's like is my favourite subject :)