Friday, December 9, 2011

Winged Vanity

This has been made for the contest Wings of an Angel at the Group Digital Art Fantasy, at DeviantArt.
The deadline was quite close and I didn't render as accurately as I would have done, but it's moreless Ok, maybe I'll refine wings and others details in the future.
I didn't want to paint a classical angel (good or demoniac), instead I tried to get inspiration from the Deadly Sins, I though it could be more interesting.
I don't think I'll have any chance to win something (there were already a lot of much more interesting and beautiful contributions), but it was fun and good for me to practice again some facial anatomy, and also a good excuse to paint with the peacock's color palette, which I really love, and also can mean Vanity and Proud in this case.
Used my right hand as reference for hers; painted in Photoshop from scratch as usual.

detail of face:


ophmac said...

Damn brilliant! Love it.

Morgaine le Fée said...

Thank you Ophmac! You know that your opinion is very valuable to me.

and happy new year! :)

ophmac said...

Yes those are most definitely your hands, they are very unique and beautiful.

Morgaine le Fée said...

Ophmac, you're are definitively too kind :) However, my nails actually aren't painted at all.

By the way, something which could be interesting for you, and I didn't know at all (it came from a comment I've got on Deviantart) is that there's an angel called Melek Taus ( )
in a ancient Kurdish religion.
For them it was a good entity, while for muslims became the Evil.
I didn't imagine at all that I painted something somehow close to that concept.

ophmac said...

That's a spooky coincidence! Anyway, wasn't Lucifer himself (or herself) the most beautiful of all angels an the the closet to God? Only after the rebellion and the war he became an evil entity. Funnily enough the post about the Sea in my blog was referring to him although not in a very obvious way for those who don't know the book.

ophmac said...

sorry the second line was meant to be "and the" only once...